I love clean air. I haven’t been diagnosed with asthma, but I do suffer terribly around diesel fumes and cigarette smoke. I therefore am highly supportive of technologies and voluntary lifestyle changes that will reduce air pollution. But this social engineering has got to go.

For some high adventure, consider driving your car in an urban village. I decided to go to a Chick-Fil-A today, not recognizing its connectivity to a Smart Growth New Urbanist community until I made the second orbit of the building, navigating the traffic islands on my way to the drive-thru. Now that I know the objective of Smart Growth is to create congestion to encourage people to use transit, I can appreciate it for meeting the measure of its creation.

At the drive-thru, I saw a ped-xing sign. Funny, thought I, the only person I’ve ever seen walking in those parts was I; and all three times, I was harassed by about twenty motorists stopping to offer assistance on the assumption that my car must have broken down.

Leaving, I ran into three cars going every which way trying to negotiate the traffic islands. A bit up the road was a sign with a glyph of a cyclist.