Andrea Widburg writes at the American Thinker about Dr. Anthony Fauci’s recommendations for dealing with the latest form of COVID.
Anthony Fauci is a disturbed and disturbing man. An unelected bureaucrat who is consistently wrong about things (going back to AIDS), who used taxpayer money to help develop the COVID that plagues us, and who has funded indescribably cruel animal research, he is threatening to shut America down again, throwing mud at elected officials, and anointing himself as the embodiment of “science” in America. Never in American history has a megalomaniac had so much power and been so destructive.
I wrote the other day that, judging by the numbers of diagnoses and deaths in South Africa, the omicron variant seems unexciting. As is typical for viruses when they hang around humans, they get more contagious but less severe over time. My initial suspicions seem to have been correct because the South African medical association is stating that the new variant is a “mild disease.” …
… Fauci has admitted that he’s ignorant about the variant, saying it will take him two weeks to get up to speed about it. …
… It seems that, for Fauci, two weeks is the magic number. After all, we were told in March 2020 that we should just give up 15 days of our lives to “bend the curve.”
Despite professing his ignorance, Fauci insists that people can protect themselves against the omicron variant by getting vaccinated or getting boosters. …
… Additionally, Fauci’s again threatening to lock down America, never mind that lockdowns had no effect on COVID whatsoever—although they did turn old age homes into slaughterhouses, led to tens of thousands of drug overdoses, increased domestic abuse, witnessed more suicides, fatally slowed treatments of serious illness such as heart disease and cancer, and damaged children both academically and psychologically.