As North Carolina legislators debate the future of state film incentives, the John Locke Foundation has helped broadcast media audiences learn why the incentives create a bad deal for North Carolina taxpayers. On the day of a news conference at the state Legislative Building touting the film industry, Vice President for Outreach Becki Gray discussed film incentives with WECT Television, while Director of Communications Mitch Kokai outlined concerns about the incentives for WWAY Television. When the state Senate introduced a plan the next day to replace the state’s current film tax credit program with a new grant program, WRAL quoted Gray in its coverage of the issue. WFAE Radio interviewed Director of Regulatory Studies Jon Sanders about the economics of film incentives.
Lawmakers are also debating the future of Common Core public school standards. Director of Research and Education Studies Terry Stoops shared his concerns about Common Core with WLOS Television. Both Stoops and Director of Education Outreach Lindalyn Kakadelis offered updates about legislation dealing with Common Core during appearances with Lockwood Phillips on WTKF’s “Viewpoints Radio.”
Gray analyzes the latest political news tonight during an appearance on Time Warner Cable News’ statewide “Capital Tonight” program. She discussed recent legislative developments with the WRHT Radio morning program. Gray continues her twice-weekly politics and public policy updates for WTSB Radio.
Kokai discussed legislative transparency concerns with WFMY Television, and he spoke with WSIC Radio about a controversy in Statesville surrounding secrecy of city records linked to unpaid parking tickets. Kokai recapped the week’s top state government news with Curtis Wright on WMYT Radio. Carolina Journal Managing Editor Rick Henderson highlights the week’s major political news during this weekend’s edition of Curtis Media Group’s syndicated “People In Politics” program.