The News & Observer quoted Becki Gray in an article about the General Assembly’s film incentive debate. The N.C. Spin website and promoted Gray’s column on North Carolina’s need for serious leaders. N.C. Spin also promoted Gray’s “Locker Room” blog entry on a new state e-cigarette tax, along with Carolina Journal Associate Editor Dan Way‘s report on the state Senate’s teacher pay plan. picked up Associate Editor Barry Smith‘s article on North Carolina’s most expensive political campaigns.

The News & Observer‘s “Under the Dome” blog cited John Hood’s column on North Carolina state government’s overly large work force, while N.C. Senate Republicans promoted that column, Hood’s column on significant agreement among state Republican leaders, the John Locke Foundation’s Senate budget news release, Way’s article on legislation targeting pension spiking, and Rick Henderson’s report on film-industry advocates trashing a critique of state film incentives.

The Lumberton Robesonian published CJ Associate Editor Michael Lowrey‘s article on a recent N.C. Court of Appeals opinion linked to Chapel Hill’s residential parking rules. The website publicized Executive Editor Don Carrington‘s report about another unsuccessful North Carolina development scheme involving the singing Parton family.

The Chowan Herald interviewed N.C. History Project Director Troy Kickler for an article about a state tour featuring North Carolina’s copy of the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. (Dr. Troy Kickler, founding director of the North Carolina History Project and author of “The King’s Troublemakers: Edenton’s Role in Creating a Nation and a State,” said the chance to view the document was an opportunity not to be missed as it has ties to both Juneteenth and an important Civil War anniversary. “(The tour) coincides with the Civil War Sesquicentennial events,” Kickler said. “Edenton and Northeastern North Carolina, in particular the Great Dismal Swamp area, were parts of a maritime Underground Railroad. Such an exhibit also reminds me that some of North Carolina’s earliest critics of slavery — Quaker abolitionists — once called Northeastern North Carolina home during the mid-1700s.” )

Both the Kinston Free Press and Jacksonville Daily News interviewed Mitch Kokai about local government transparency. (“The idea of putting this website up and deciding the letter grades was to encourage (public entities) to put more material up online,” Mitch Kokai, director of communications for the John Locke Foundation. “There’s a bit of a shock factor when they get a C, D or an F if they don’t have as much online as they could with relative ease.”)

Jim Geraghty of National Review Online promoted his upcoming July 28 John Locke Foundation speech in his regular nationally distributed “Morning Jolt” newsletter.