I’ve been away from the computer today, so this is late, but wanted just to get this on the record:

Flags with or without a flag pole can fly at today’s Tax Day tea party after the state lifted a restriction on flag poles this morning.

The decision was made this morning by N.C. Crime Control and Public Safety Secretary Reuben Young, amid questions whether such a ban is legal. Young referred to the restriction, one of 16, listed in the permit that groups have to get in order to hold demonstration and events on state-owned land.

“The Department of Crime Control and Public Safety and the Department of Administration are concerned that Rule 16 poses potential legal questions,” Young said, according to a written statement. “As a result, State Capitol Police has suspended enforcement of the rule until a review can be completed.”

Apparently some phones were ringing off the hook yesterday to complain to state officials about this ill-advised decision.