Got a chuckle out of the Uptown paper of record finally noticing that state lawmakers are not exactly sticklers for detail. Why, there are tens of thousands of dollars floating around that no one can account for — amazing!
Why, Drew Saunders of Huntersville — remember at one time he was touted as the clean alternative to felon-to-be Jim Black for speaker — can’t find over $15,000 in PAC donations. Do tell.
And it was all in John Rhodes’ imagination that the General Assembly played fast and loose with money. Kept him from being effective, the Observer told us.
OK, I’ll stop. This is just piling on. But now that we are all on the same page with regard to this bunch, let’s actually follow through. The next step is real estate. Real estate records, specifically.
What little research I’ve been able to do has found, let’s just say, interesting things. Things like legislators selling a lot one day that is then sold for $100,000 more the next day. A clever way to pay a lawmaker’s capgains taxes for them while providing a nice little cash infusion on the sly? Don’t know.
Let’s find out.
The paper found six staffers to wade through Jay Morrison’s court cases. Fair enough. How about 10 staffers to pour over the real estate transactions of our current county delegation and those of Jim Black?
The money’s not gonna follow itself.