At today?s JLF Headliner Bob Beckel noted that people earning over $200,000 a year voted for Obama, and the Democrats raised far more money from Wall Street investors than did the Republicans. This left some people scratching their heads. But as with so many of life?s riddles the explanation is found in the Godfather. In this case Godfather II, when, toward the beginning of the movie, Michael is approached by his murdered bother Sonny?s (The Godfather) daughter who, with her boyfriend, want to ask her uncle for permission to marry. After introducing the young gentleman who explains that he is a fine arts major in college but somewhat sheepishly notes that he can support Michael?s niece because his family is wealthy and he is part owner of the business, Michael hits the nail on the head. Over thirty years ago he offers the explanation of why, in 2008, the richer you were the more likely it was that you would vote for Obama. He tells the young man that there is no shame in being wealthy and then notes quite profoundly that, ?this hatred of money is created by the rich to keep the poor without it.? Yes, Michael Corlione gets it.

By the way, never look to Godfather 3 for any wisdom other than proof positive that the director?s daughter should never be cast in anything but a completely silent and preferably invisible role.