Steve Forbes argues in the latest issue of Forbes magazine that perennial Internal Revenue Service scandals are guaranteed as long as Big Government needs a way to feed its growth.
The IRS scandals–the income tax was a key goal of the Progressive movement–are the inevitable result of Big Government. The IRS’ history is loaded with scandal and abuse. After each episode new laws are passed–and the corrupt behavior returns. Why? Because Big Government needs a Big Tax Collector, and contrary to Progressive/Socialist notions about human nature being transformed when part of a government bureaucracy, such an agency will be bent and twisted by power-playing pols.
Our Founding Fathers understood that pious hopes and laws won’t protect us from overreach by Big Government. A downsized government is the answer. There are numerous ways to accomplish this.
With regard to the IRS we could start by enacting a flat tax, which would sharply reduce the powers and discretion of that agency. Some would advocate for a national sales tax as the answer, but that would entail major enforcement problems, which, in turn, would still necessitate a federal agency. …
… There are obviously many other areas in need of reform. But we should start with the ones that really count. If done right, they will evoke popular support, unlike the trench-warfare approach of trying to cut specific parts.