As North Carolina’s Mining and Energy Commission prepares for a series of hearings on proposed rules regarding hydraulic fracturing — or fracking — for energy sources, John Locke Foundation Director of Regulatory Studies Jon Sanders has produced a new Policy Report answering questions and debunking common myths about the fracking process. promoted Sanders’ report and his research newsletter on the important role of well construction in the debate over fracking safety. also highlighted Vice President for Research and Resident Scholar Roy Cordato‘s column on the Hobby Lobby court case and the clash of positive and negative rights, Director of Fiscal Policy Studies Sarah Curry‘s newsletter on details of the University of North Carolina’s latest budget, and three items from Health and Human Services Policy Analyst Katherine Restrepo: her latest report on Medicaid reform, her newsletter detailing efforts to game the Medicaid funding system, and her analysis of lawsuits challenging Obamacare health insurance subsidies.
The N.C. Spin website promoted Director of Research and Education Studies Terry Stoops‘ “Locker Room” blog entry on a recent change in the way the state will fund school enrollment growth. N.C. Senate Republicans promoted in their daily press email Curry’s analysis of UNC budget growth, Sanders’ fracking report, and Restrepo’s column on gaming Medicaid.
Among other items of interest, Director of Communications Mitch Kokai assessed the potential adjournment of this year’s legislative session during an appearance on Time Warner Cable News’ statewide “Capital Tonight” program. Kokai discussed fracking with Bill Flynn on the WEGO Radio morning program. Kokai responded to the week’s top state government news during a regular Friday appearance with Curtis Wright on WMYT Radio. Vice President for Outreach Becki Gray continues twice-weekly politics and public policy updates for WTSB Radio.