Starting in August, a kiosk selling bumper stickers and posters of a political nature will not be allowed to continue operations at Concord Mills. The kiosk chain named “Free Market Warrior” sells items critical of government intrusion and President Obama in particular. A letter to the editor by Jennifer Ibanez published in the Charlotte Observer brought attention to the kiosk. She accuses the political messages at the kiosk as being supportive of “racism, sexism and even slavery.”
WCNC’s report, linked above, notes that Concord Mills’ owner is a noted contributer to Obama and Democratic causes. I have only seen a few images of the products sold at Free Market Warrior, but none of them seemed to be the slightest bit racist, sexist, or pro-slavery.
Mall management has decided not to renew the kiosk’s lease. The kiosk’s owner proposed another solution: let a leftist store move in and sell competing products. Loren Spivack, the owner, thinks he is waging a battle of ideas. Unfortunately, his opponents seek to silence his ideas rather than debate them.