Yet another voice pointing out that Speaker Jim Black is not the man to lead any sort of ethics reform charge in Raleigh. This is pretty much the exact opposite of what the Powers That Be in Charlotte have been preaching. Then again, Asheville is not counting on Jim Black to ram a car-rental tax hike through the General Assembly in May to fund the $150 million Uptown arts package either. The details:
Right now, one of those presumed standard bearers, House Speaker Jim Black, D-Mecklenburg, cannot possibly be a credible voice for reform. Black has not been charged with any crimes. But he is under a cloud of ethical woes linked to his dealings and the dealings of close associates. Just last week an investigator for the State Board of Elections reached the conclusion that Black’s campaign had run afoul of election laws. It went over the line by accepting contributions outside legal limits, handing out contributions in the name of another contributor. This is the latest stone tossed atop a mountain of allegations surrounding Black or close associates, and prosecutors at both the state and federal levels are looking into these allegations. Many of the charges relate to the state lottery, which Black was instrumental in pushing through. Others involve the ties Black, who is an optometrist, has to that profession. A controversial pre-kindergarten eye screening program was implemented by Black and has drawn much fire. And a federal grand jury is apparently asking questions about checks handed from optometrists to Black, who in turn handed them out to candidates of his choosing.
And this from the crowd who have two kinds of tie-dye in their closets, casual Friday and fancy dress.
Update: Folks in Elizabeth City chime in to add that Black should step aside during his Elections Board probe, basically on partisan political grounds. Still, from Asheville to the Albemarle sound, people think Speaker Jim Black should go. Do we have to have agreement from Murphy to Manteo to get official Mecklenburg in on the action?