And by town, I mean Charlotte and not Concord. Four day a week (Monday/Wednesday/Thursday/Sunday) service to Trenton, NJ (TTN) starting on February 12, 2014 on a 138-seat Airbus A319. Trenton is suppose to serve as a low-cost alternative to Philadelphia.
Frontier is best known for its Denver hub. Denver is also a hub for United and Southwest, and let’s say that Frontier hasn’t exactly been winning the battle for Denver. The airline now is setting up an Allegiant-style focus city operating in Trenton, with a single flight a couple of days a week to a number of key destinations (Atlanta; Charlotte; Chicago-Midway; Cincinnati; Columbus; Detroit; Fort Lauderdale; Fort Myers; Orlando; Raleigh-Durham; and Tampa). Because of the low frequency, the focus is on leisure travelers. It remains to be seen whether this business model can work in Trenton in general, and from Trenton to Charlotte in particular.