Here’s Joseph Palermo on The Huffington Post hinting that Obama could end up like Robert Kennedy:
In 1968, when Kennedy was gaining momentum and piling up primary victories it looked as though he would win the presidential nomination. But before he could be safely ensconced inside “the bubble” of 24-hour federal protection he was assassinated. And his progressive challenge to the war in Vietnam and to poverty at home was stopped in its tracks.
In 2008, Obama is gaining momentum, and hopefully people inside his organization are cognizant of the fact that he constitutes a very real threat to the likes of Blackwater, Dyncorps, Halliburton, and the hundreds of other private companies currently profiteering from the Iraq occupation.
The laughable tinfoil-hat conspiracy mongering aside, it’s interesting that Palermo never mentions the name of Sirhan Sirhan, the Arab (but not Muslim) who killed RFK in that ballroom in Los Angeles. He’s still in prison, by the way, and has never been connected to any entity in the so-called military industrial complex or to the anti-civil rights crazies.
What, specifically, were the powers that be that Palermo thinks hired Sirhan Sirhan to do their bidding? He never says, except you can be sure he thinks they were white, conservative and rich. Sadly, this is how too much of the unthinking left thinks.
I was no fan of RFK. If fact, I didn’t like him at all. I was working for Eugene McCarthy in that election and saw Kennedy’s late entry into the race as crass opportunism after McCarthy had forced LBJ to abandon his run. Kennedy, the wire-tapping former Joe McCarthy appointee, had been transformed by the media from the gut-punching political operative he was into the Mother Theresa of the 1968 campaign.
Palermo almost seems to be hoping for another martyr.