Gary Andres makes an understandable typo in his National Review column on the lack of effect of John Kerry’s selection of North Carolina’s senator emeritus, John Edwards:

… especially how women would respond to Kerry’s choice of the South Carolina senator as his running mate. …

I say understandable because it’s something we picked up on, and then poked fun at, here at the Locker Room: how John Edwards, who won election in North Carolina running local-boy-dun-good ads here, took the same tack during the presidential primary in South Carolina. And this time it was repeated nationally by a fawning national press, so that everyone knew him as the senator from South Carolina with the message of hope and optimism.

Here are a couple of selections from two days’ worth of Senator Edwards “bye-ku” and “lim-e-riddance” that touched on this subject:

John Edwards comes “home”
A nation asks: Why’s he in

North Carolina?

An ambulance-chaser named John was
Famed for his talk of “Two Americas”
While the press he excited
The Dems weren’t ignited
So they sent him home to … um … the Carolinas