Via press release (PDF) Greensboro’s International Civil Rights Center and Museum announced it had raised just over $21,000 during last week’s telethon:
On behalf of the Board of Directors, we thank the staff of WFMY News2, who spent several weeks helping to prepare to execute the fund-raiser; WUNC for airing radioannouncements; and all of our donors, volunteers, corporate leaders and staff for answering more than 260 calls. For each $1 donated, the impact to the Museum is $2 because the City of Greensboro will match the funds donated, as part of our loan setoff. So the real beneficial impact to the Museum for that day is $42,600.
Doing a little more research, I took a look at the museum’s strategic plan that was part of the City of Greensboro’s $1.5 million loan and I have to say there is an indication that museum leadership has some understanding of what it will take to make it a viable tourist attraction for Gboro.
But then there’s the proposed “Center for the Study of Racism and Contemporary Civil rights Issues,” which–among other things— will “examine the international exportation of North American ideas regarding race and its pernicious impact on human societies.” Sigh.