For starters, the Rhino Times has a new website. Thank goodness–the virtual paper was never user friendly, in my humble opinion.
Now as Greensboro approaches next Tuesday’s primary, editor John Hammer analyzes the race’s sharp leftward turn:
The City Council election has moved so far left that candidates who would normally be considered liberal are running as the more conservative candidate in the race. The challenge to most incumbent Democrats is coming from the left, not from the right.
….But if in 2009 the city reacted to the Obama election by electing an unprecedented six Republicans to the City Council, it would make sense for the city to react to the election of Trump with an extremely liberal City Council. As far as numbers go, the Democrats can only gain one seat on the City Council, but moderate Democrats can be replaced with far more liberal Democrats.
Interesting that Hammer concludes if the liberal Democracy Greensboro political group could get one candidate elected to the City Council, “then they wouldn’t have to come to meetings shouting and screaming and getting arrested because they would have a voice on the dais.” I wouldn’t count on that—liberals are never satisfied.