Big Greensboro News & Record front pager on high-powered developer and UNC Board of Governors member William “Marty” Kotis:
Big and bold. All or nothing. That’s Kotis’ style.
The president and chief executive officer of Kotis Properties knows that not everybody likes his style, particularly some of the “old-line real estate people.” He said they’re not used to seeing some of the features he’s putting into his properties, such as rooftop terraces, so they can’t envision it.
And Kotis thinks that’s just great.
“I like that because they’re not competing,” he said.
…Kotis is his biggest promoter. He ticks off information about various projects without one even having to ask the question.
He is also a Republican and well-known GOP contributor, but he does not always side with his party. As a member of the predominately Republican UNC Board of Governors, Kotis was openly critical about the lack of transparency surrounding the ouster of UNC system President Tom Ross and the board’s search for his replacement.
Just so happens that tonight–two days after the N&R write-up—Kotis will go before the City Council to request approval of his plan to buy the former Dorothy Bardolph Human Services Center—a downtown property right across the street from the city’s restored train depot.