Recent John Locke Foundation 20th anniversary featured speaker Newt Gingrich weighs in today on President Obama’s planned summit:
It remains to be seen if the White House is serious about trying to
achieve a legitimate, bipartisan breakthrough on healthcare. Or if
they are just looking to create the appearance of reasonableness before
they try to shove their massively unpopular, 4,500 page,
big-bureaucracy, high-tax, anti-freedom legislation down our throats.We?ll know on Thursday.
It also remains to be seen if Republicans will come armed with their
best ideas and invite the White House and Democrats to pass a series of
smaller, bipartisan bills that the American people will support. Or if
they will miss the opportunity to show ?principled bipartisanship? (as
I described it at CPAC on Saturday) and fall for the White House trap
of portraying Republicans as ?the party of no.?Again, we?ll know on Thursday.
There is, however, one thing we do know about the summit.
The American people are not invited.
That’s why Gingrich is promoting his own “American People’s Online Health Summit.”