The producer of “Deadliest Catch,” a reality series that shows the hardships of snow crab fishing in the Bering Sea, is beside himself over losing an Emmy to Ken Burns’ stultifying PBS series about national parks.
“Once again, I lost to a PBS series!” Beers said. “I don’t know what the hell my show is even doing in a category that basically every year is a PBS category. [The academy doesn’t] recognize [‘Deadliest Catch’] as a documentary but they put it in that category. To lose to Ken Burns’ ‘Parks’ was an abomination. That was the most boring show Ken Burns ever made and when I think that my show should lose to the most boring, the dullest show Ken Burns has ever made, it’s an abomination.”
But, really, what chance did an actually exciting, wrenching, touching series like “Deadliest Catch,” which extols the virtues of real men doing something really dangerous for profit, have against the collectivist Burns’ never-ending drifting slides of old sepia-toned photos taken by Works Projects Administration fellow-traveler photographers, huh?