Isaac Coleman, who was Mayor Terry Bellamy’s campaign manager, believes that a living wage is bestowed by Our Creator and inalienable. I disagree.
I’m reading the papers online from Temecula, CA. Its downtown is another very planned community. It seems everything Asheville’s city fathers want for our town. The cities out here all have themes, kind of like Disneyland. Most are mission-style. One can’t find a fast food shop because stores have to conform to formula codes. The city is walkable, but the only people walking are me and about four other tourists. A couple security guards even were shocked I had walked over two miles.
The Old Town in Temecula has a Wild West Theme. Even the porn shops have the right exterior look. Urban Planning leads to what I have referred to as Stepford Wives buildings. They’re all pretty, but they ain’t got no soul. I was wondering if anybody had written a sci-fi novel on the subject – a strange planet in which every city has a theme, and people have no say in their lives except to conform to the theme.
Oh, well, back to my vacation!