Check out below the N&R’s interview with outgoing Greensboro Police Chief Ken Miller in wake of the controversy over body cameras on cops in wake of the police shooting of 47-year-old Chieu-di Thi Vo.
Miller, who’s shaking Gboro’s dust off his boots come Sunday, deflects the reporter’s semi-probing question pretty well, taking a nice parting shot at the local paper of record by saying they’re “plain wrong” in demanding Miller release footage from the officer’s body camera the during the Vo shooting.
Meanwhile the city will host “a panel of legal representatives and what it described as ‘thought leaders’ in a discussion on the topic of police body worn cameras and public records.” If you think that’s going to get anything done, think again. The Rhino’s John Hammer is right when he hopes “someone will take this to court and let the courts decide whether a video taken by a police officer is a part of that police officer’s personnel file.”
Which is what’s happening out in St. Louis, where a citizen journalist is filing a lawsuit seeking the release of Michael Brown’s juvenile records.
It’s not quite that simple— St Louis County court officials denied the request, arguing that state law requires juvenile records to be sealed for the protection of the juvenile in order “to facilitate their best interests as they proceed through life.”
But –plaintiff argues —what if the juvenile is no longer proceeding through life—deceased — as is the case with Michael Brown?
All interesting questions for the court to ponder. I would think if the N&R really, really wants to see the video, they would break out the check book and lawyer up. But things are pretty over on East market Street these days.
Update: Removed the video —watch via the N&R link above, if you have the patience to get through the ads and the other news items.