State Rep. Jimmy Love (D – Harnett, Lee) is the primary sponsor of House Bill 223, No High School Graduation Project Required. The bill requires the legislature’s Program Evaluation Division to study the cost and effectiveness of requiring high school graduation projects. Support for the bill appears to be growing; it will be heard in the House Education Committee next Tuesday.
In response to Rep. Love’s concerns about the cost of graduation projects, the NC Department of Public Instruction (DPI) distributed an op-ed written by the North Carolina Business Committee for Education. The article asks professionals from every industry to “get involved with The North Carolina Graduation Project.”
State officials and the NCBCE appear to believe that volunteers from the business community will help relieve pressure on North Carolina’s high school teachers and administrators, who are required to commit a helluva lotta time (that they do not have) assisting the state’s 100,000+ seniors complete graduation projects.
I am not sure that such an appeal will save the graduation project.