Bill Wilson of Americans for Limited Government explains in a Daily Caller column why Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein’s recount campaign might end up helping Donald Trump.

What the instigator of this futile move, Mrs. Clinton and the media do not understand is that they are doing Donald Trump and the American people a huge favor. Yes, Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate who is formally calling for the recounts, has collected millions of dollars from grieving leftists across the country. She is building a donor file that will enable her to pay for the recounts but also form a funding base with which she and her ilk can attack the few remaining rational people inside the Democrat Party structure. So, thank you, Jill Stein, for seizing the opportunity to build infrastructure that will push the Democrat Party further to the Left and over the cliff.

But the benefits don’t stop there. Given the cumbersome process of recounting millions of votes in three large, industrial states, it is possible that the mandated meeting of the Electoral College on December 19 will fail to elect a President. With the 46 votes of the three states not being counted, neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton will receive the required 270 votes. So, what happens then?

In early January when the 115th Congress is sworn into office, one of the first orders of business will be the election of President and Vice-President. The Senate is sure to elect Mike Pence and the House is a lock to elect Donald Trump. But, look at how Trump will be elected. Each state gets one vote and a winner must get 26 votes. So, how many votes will Trump get? There are 30 states that voted for Trump that have Republican majorities in their delegation. There are two more states, Colorado and Virginia, where a majority of the delegation is Republican but the state voted for Clinton. So, assuming Colorado and Virginia are let off the hook, Donald Trump will be elected President with 30 votes to Clinton’s maximum possible of 18 votes.

Some will say this is a useless exercise, but I disagree. This is how the Founders intended it to be. The Executive is not elected by majority vote, it is elected by the states. The Congressional vote will show in stark detail that there are sovereign states that make up the United States; that despite eight years of Obama working to “transform” the situation, we are not and never were a nation ruled over by an executive tyrant. This demonstration to the people is a tremendous opportunity to drive home the point that we are a federal republic and what that means. So, thank you Jill Stein, for giving us the ultimate “teachable moment” to destroy the concept of the totalitarian unitary state.