…Definitely two things you would think have absolutely nothing in common, but this is the world in which we live. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is threatening to sue the City of Greensboro over the city’s refusal to display a PETA ad protesting the UniverSoul Circus, which scheduled to perform at the Greensboro Coliseum later this month:
PETA legal counsel sent a letter to the Greensboro city attorney challenging the Greensboro Transit Authority’s refusal to run an anti-circus ad on its buses ahead of UniverSoul Circus performances that are scheduled to begin on August 13. PETA points out that rejecting the ad for “shed[ding] a negative light on a community event that the City is hosting” violates PETA’s constitutional right to free speech and warns that if the decision is not reversed by August 8, PETA may file suit against the city.
“An event in which sensitive wild animals are forced to perform confusing tricks under threat of punishment is a source of shame,” says PETA Foundation Deputy General Counsel Jared Goodman. “PETA is giving the Greensboro Transit Authority an opportunity to reverse its unconstitutional decision and is calling on people to stick up for animals by staying away from UniverSoul Circus.”
Greensboro city officials took a while to respond to PETA’s protest, but apparently they’ve crafted a compromise–the ad will be displayed at the downtown depot, which serves as a hub for city buses. We will see if this appeases PETA–Thursday is the deadline…or else….