Meck Deck weighs in on Peggy Noonan’s dismissal of Sarah Palin, also calling out the “effete likes” of David Frum, Bill Kristol and Chris Buckley.
The fact that conservatives are calling out their own candidates (add Kathleen Parker to the list) only makes me wish that one liberal — just one — would admit flaws in Obama-Biden policy. (Trust me, I’ve had the conversations, and I’m the one giving it up just to keep the peace.) But it just doesn’t happen. That tells me there’s serious thought and discussion on the right, while the left is engaging in group-think, blindly following the Messiah despite serious warnings that his economics simply don’t match the times.
JAT says should McCain-Palin prevail, “all will be forgiven and the recently touted negatives spun by elites as an aspect the campaign had to “’overcome.’” I’ll be naive and believe that maybe a McCain administration would get proper scrutiny from both sides, unlike an Obama administration, who would waltz in knowing full well the media’s on its side. It will be like the first days of the Clinton administration, until they started doing things not even the adoring press could ignore.