Little editing mix-up in today’s N&R print edition. I started reading the front-page article about how the pansies are back in the budget, but when I went to the A6 jump, I got the tail end of an (unposted) story on the Town of Eden’s extra territorial jurisdiction request. These things happen, I guess.

The pansies, of course, refer to the City of Greensboro’s hold-the-line budget, which would feature cuts in landscaping and road paving.

The road paving issue came up during the budget discussion. Council member Robbie Perkins asked if they didn’t use $2 million to repave the streets this year, what would the money go toward? The answer was “any and all expenses in the general fund,” including debt service. With that in mind, Perkins said it wasn’t good business not to take care of business this year and have to raise taxes even higher next year as a result. No kidding.

Fellow council member Mike Barber replied that matching and maintenance of roads will not stop, and when next year’s budget comes around with repaving projects backed up, the city will just cut from somewhere else. Good luck.

That’s government for you. Promises of no new taxes always come with a catch.