The following bio is that of an event speaker or guest author. This person is not directly affiliated with the John Locke Foundation.
Elliot Engstrom is a fellow at Elon University School of Law, where he teaches Legal Method & Communication, Administrative Law, and Introduction to Legal Methods. His research interests include freedom of information laws, state constitutions, and administrative law. Prior to joining the faculty at Elon, Elliot served as Lead Counsel for the Civitas Institute Center for Law and Freedom, where he litigated administrative and freedom of information cases in North Carolina trial and appellate courts. For his public records work with Civitas, Elliot was awarded the 2017 Sunshine Award for Advocacy by the North Carolina Open Government Coalition. He previously worked as a litigation clerk for the Goldwater Institute, with whom he continues to consult on freedom of information laws. Elliot is also a 2014-15 Koch Associate and a 2016-17 E.A. Morris Fellow. In addition to his academic work, Elliot also maintains a private practice where he serves clients dealing with a number of public and private sector issues. Elliot earned his J.D. from the University of Georgia and his B.A. from Wake Forest University.