More on Guilford County’s crooked county line politics later—John Hammer weighs in on that, too — but scroll down Scott Yost’s Rhino article and read about commissioners head-to-head with PART at the March 21 meeting. Bottom line PART’s coming to the county asking for more on top of the $4 million contract to transport the elderly:
Some PART officials attribute the latest $25,000 request from PART to losses PART experienced handling the county’s service. However, Thompson said that’s a highly questionable claim.
PART may have been trying to use the county’s transportation contract as a bluff to get an additional $25,000. If that’s the case, that attempt seems to have backfired.
Commissioners unanimously voted to send out an RFP for the contract. Supposedly PART kept coming commissioners for funding to get it through the year, and –correct me if I’m wrong– but the transportation contract is pure life support. My gut tells me commissioners will work this out with PART, but what if they don’t?