Amidst all the talk of city pay raises comes am interesting story from the Rhino’s Scott Yost, who has been totally dominating coverage of Guilford County government lately. Odds are good you’ll be reading this story in the N&R tomorrow.
Apparently County Manager Brenda Fox has entered into a contract with a real estate broke to help find land for the county’s capital improvement plan. The first was examined by County Attorney Mark Payne, but he red flagged it, noting “it was too good to be true.” Apparently Fox bypassed Payne and used the broker’s attorney for a contract entered into on Sept 30.
What’s funny is Sheriff B.J Barnes ‘story of his encounter with the borker, supposedly sent to him by Fox to show him property for a new EMS facility. The property was right off Main Street in Jamestown —not exactly the ideal place for emergency vehicles constantly coming and out at all hours. Apparently the broker hadn’t thought of that.