..To speak to the State Employees Association of North Carolina, which had its annual convention at the Koury Center.
Interesting that the focus of the write-up on McCrory is the former Charlotte’s mayor’s “off the cuff” comments to reporters suggesting borrowing money to pay off state’s unemployment insurance debt to the federal government. Must of been a pretty boring speech:
McCrory’s speech Friday hit a number of points he has been focusing on: The need to pay off the $2.8 billion debt, a desire to help the private sector create jobs through lower taxes and relaxed regulations, and his complaints about Gov. Bev Perdue’s administration and those of previous Democratic governors.
McCrory also promised to treat state employees fairly across the board and said the economy needs to improve — and the state needs to cut spending — in order to raise salaries.
Meanwhile, Lt. Gov. Walter Dalton spoke to SEANC on Saturday, showing some empathy:
Dalton said he voluntarily took a pay cut to show solidarity with them three times when he was a state senator and in his current position as lieutenant governor.
“I told the state employees that I’ve always tried to lead by example,” Dalton, the Democratic candidate for governor, said in a brief phone interview after his speech to the State Employees Association of North Carolina, which ended its annual convention Saturday at the Koury Convention Center.
Not sure how far Dalton’s comparison of McCrory to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker will get him with the general public, considering the fact that Walker –as the N&R points out — won his recall election.