One of our “refrigerator” cartoons is a lead panel for “Frazz”. A student asks Frazz, “Which says tolerance more? A ‘Happy Holidays’ garland, or an ornament that says ‘Merry Christmas’ in Hebrew?” Frazz answers, “The fact that they were both made in China.”
When you have seven children, you expect to buy a lot of eggs this time of year, so I made the obligatory stop at Wal-Mart this afternoon. When I went to get the fizzy dye tablets, what to my wondering eye should appear — woops, wrong holiday — but a truly faith-conscious Easter egg kit: egg dye is nondenominational,but the stickers are things like crosses, country churches, stained glass windows, doves, lilies, and so forth. There’s even a game explaining the traditional Easter symbology.
The egg dye was made in the USA, but all the religious-themed material was printed and packaged in China.
Things continue to change in Asia.