Richard Epstein in the Wall Street Journal and at Medical Progress Today argues that the bill turns health insurers into a utility before killing them with unconstitutional restrictions. Side note, this is one reason why the price increase for insurers is speculation and not a long-term bet.

Scott Harrington adds some background into how insurers will go out of business.

Scott Gottlieb reminds us that only the rich will escape the clutches of the government-distorted health care that results. That’s always the problem with putting everybody in line together. People with more money or power can always go to a ticket broker or have somebody to cut in line.

Mark Schneider shows how universities have responded to federal money – more of an analogy than an article directly about health care.

Finally, John Hood offers Kay Hagan more advice that will go unheeded. After all, Harry Reid himself said she’s not a very good senator for not taking Hood’s advice sooner.