That’s what Salon is reporting.

BACKGROUND: Here’s the skinny on the lefty fringe bloggers John Edwards decided last week should represent his campaign in the blogosphere. Isn’t being president all about judgment?

UPDATE: Salon gets one part of the story wrong. They imply that Pandagon blogger Amanda Marcotte, the first blogger Edwards hired, was charged erroneously by conservative bloggers of trying to scrub her site of offensive material. In the link above in “BACKGROUND” I conclusively show that’s exactly what she did. There is no denying it. Marcotte herself says as much in her replacement post. Salon uses one of her posts that was incorrectly said to have been scrubbed to absolve her of any scrubbing or airbrushing. I’m assuming this was just a mistake on Salon’s part rather than a further attempt to prettify Marcotte’s blog.

UPDATE: Hilarious take by Michelle Malkin on Amanda Marcotte’s blogging technique: