Common sense tells you that using a table saw comes with risk for whacking off a finger. Whether it’s because the user isn’t paying enough attention or just sheer accident, risk is part of using a powerful blade to chop things into pieces. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, however, there should be no risk to using a table saw, and they’re about to use the power of government to “help” make that happen — even though the mandated “fix” could hike the price by as much as 40 percent. It’s just one more example of the push to create a nanny state in which risk is no longer part of life. Today, if a consumer gets hurt using a table saw and he/she can prove in court that the injury was a result of a defective product or fraud on the part of the manufacturer, then the consumer can collect damages. It works. And yes, under a reality-based system, a few people are going to lose fingers in the process. Grow up, folks. Accepting risk is part of being an adult.
by donnamartinez