Winston-Salem Mayor Allen Joines says Dell is “aggressively” trying to sell its vacant plant to Herbalife, which is considering Forsyth County as the site for its $100 million manufacturing and distribution facility:
Although Dell spent about $110 million to build the plant, the company may be open to selling it at a significant discount because of the utilities costs and property taxes related to the building.
Each year, Dell pays about $900,000 in property taxes alone for a building it does not use. Selling the plant, which has 750,000 square feet and has been closed since 2010, would eliminate the property-tax expense and give Dell a one-time financial boost.
“There are not that many companies out there that can afford to buy a 750,000-square-foot building,” Joines said.
In that case it makes you wonder why the company “stands to receive economic incentives worth $10.5 million from the state of North Carolina, $2.25 million from the city and $1.19 million from Forsyth County.”