Gov. Easley,
What in the world are you doing encouraging an expansion of the Learn and Earn program while visiting GTCC Middle College High? Take a look at some of the statistics on GTCC:
– A teacher turnover rate of 42%.
– A Geometry EOC pass rate 28 percent lower than the state average despite having a class size of 11 students.
– A Chemistry EOC pass rate 21 percent lower than the state average despite having a class size of 11 students.
– Designated a “School of Progress” (bad)
Furthermore, how can you and Judge Manning (please call me too) tout Learn and Earn schools as the solution to failing high schools? Here are the summary statistics:
– Average teacher turnover rate of 43% compared to the state average of 19%.
– Average pass rates on EOC tests that are lower than the state average. All of them. (Did I mention a teacher student ratio of 1:13 and average class sizes all lower than state averages? So much for class size reductions.)
It is not too late to repent.
Terry Stoops
Hat tip: Paul Chesser