I was wondering when the local version of the Big, Bad Men of the Media story would be written. Well, here it is. While some women continue to complain about how tough it is to be a woman, Sen. Clinton more than held her own with the #1 Big, Bad Man of the Media.

Maybe one day women will reject the notion of victimhood and acknowledge that everyone — regardless of gender, ethnicity, race, or class — gets dissed, criticized, or held to an unfair standard. Take, for example, this description of two male advisors to Sens. Clinton and Obama, as published in The Independent:

Those who came to the forum looking for metaphors didn’t have to look far: Clinton’s adviser was obviously intelligent, with a pudge and pallor that bespoke too many rushed coffee-and-donut meals between meetings. His public persona seemed a little forced, though one sensed he would have been at ease negotiating behind closed doors. Grumet was tan and trim, and looked as if he’d just hopped off a mountain bike and changed into a suit before hitting the stage. He exuded energy and earnestness. He had the audience laughing 30 seconds into his opening statement.

The fact is, American women are successful and powerful.