Regarding Hillary’s tearful interview, Don Boudreaux has this to say:

Editor, The Wall Street Journal
200 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10281

To the Editor:

Surely I’m not alone in being horrified by the soaring narcissism and arrogance
that Hillary Clinton revealed yesterday during her tearful moment in New
Hampshire (“Tears Have Turned Campaigns,” January 8). She confessed that she
could not maintain her brutal campaign pace if she “didn’t just passionately
believe it was the right thing to do.” The Senator continued: “I have so many
ideas for this country, and I just don’t want to see us fall backwards as a
nation. This is very personal for me.”

No one person is as important to a free country as Ms. Clinton fancies herself
to be. More fundamentally, her burning “personal” desire to subject all
Americans to her “many ideas” is evidence of a frightening itch to be a social
engineer. Anyone itching as badly as Ms. Clinton claims to itch to rule over
others should never be trusted with power.

Donald J. Boudreaux
Chairman, Department of Economics
George Mason University

I sure hope the Journal runs his letter.

Let’s see — in that famous pre-Iowa Caucuses TV ad, Hillary was smiling, benevolently distributing all sorts of federal “presents” to voters; now that her chances are fading, she’s in tears over the prospect that she won’t ever get to lord over all the rest of us with her coercive ideas to keep us from “falling backwards.” This is extremely illuminating.