A full panel of nine federal judges will hear Christian-owned Hobby Lobby’s fight against ObamaCare’s attack on religious freedom. ObamaCare forces religious employers to help fund abortion-inducing drugs, which is in direct conflict with the owners’ religious beliefs, or face a penalty.

The Greens donate large amounts of money to charitable causes, maintain a minimum wage that is significantly higher than that required by federal law and close their stores on Sundays, sacrificing profit to allow their employees to worship and rest.

As Christians, the Greens also object to funding or facilitating any drugs that can cause abortions, including the “morning after” and “week after” pills. Their lawsuit argues that their First Amendment guarantees of religious freedom are being violated through the mandate’s demands.

Freedom to believe and worship as one wants — and freedom to not believe and worship — is fundamental to this country. At least it used to be. This case, and others like it, will determine whether government will succeed in squashing religious freedom.