Tom Tillison writes at Biz Pac Review about former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s response to the latest COVID scare.

The left-wing ideologue who once said “when they go low, we kick them,” the man who protected Barack Obama’s backside as the former president’s attorney general, is calling for people to take to the streets in the mythical “fight for fairness.”

The call coming as the media and the Biden White House hyperventilate of the delta variant surge, as they make a mad dash toward vaccine mandates.

Appearing on MSNBC, Holder was doing a whole lot of projecting when he laughably claimed that Republicans “have to cheat to win” elections as he talked about getting the results the Democratic Party is “entitled to.”

“You know, that’s the beauty of the position that Democrats have. If we fight for fairness, if we make sure that we get the number of seats that we are entitled to, both in the state legislature as well as the House of Representatives on the basis of fair criteria, Democrats and progressives will do just fine,” he said. “Republicans have to cheat to win.”

The chairman of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee pointed to several southern states where Republicans do well, naming Texas, Georgia, Florida, and North Carolina.

“We’ll bring lawsuits if we have to do that,” Holder said, adding that “there’s no need for Democrats to do anything other than to fight for that which is fair.” …

… He spoke about “raising the consciousness of people by demonstrating, by getting arrested, by doing the things that ended segregation.”

Just as the media ignores the Biden super-spreader event on the southern border with Mexico, where the White House is importing thousands of cases of COVID-19 into the U.S. on a regular basis, it is certain that thousands taking to the streets in protest will get a pass — just look to last year’s Black Lives Matter riots.