Skeptics of the doom-and-gloom predictions of global climate change saw evidence of both ends of the debate in the latest U.S. News & World Report.

One on hand, noted climatologist Dave Matthews (of the creatively titled Dave Matthews Band) offers his valuable insight:

“Is terrorism and immigration really all there is?” he asks. “Global warming is obviously much more important.” The more he talks, the hotter he gets. “It takes drowning polar bears to get our government to get their heads out of their [posteriors] and start to even maybe, on occasion, talk about global warming.”

I’m guessing Dave saw that recent magazine cover of the polar bear leaning over the edge of the ice so he could drink some water.

On the other hand, the magazine prints four letters responding to a recent global warming cover story. All of the writers offer thoughtful commentary on the issue.

The first writer (a retired Cal State-Chico professor) buys the global warming argument, but he doesn’t come across as a nut. The other writers from California, Chicago, and Texas offer much more skepticism.