Carolina Journal’s Paul Chesser looks into the possibility of the Triangle Transit Authority using eminent domain to develop land near its 12 train stations:
TTA has the authority to condemn property, which it has exercised in acquiring rights-of-way and sites for rail stations. But whether it could continue to do so in a partnership with a developer — for purposes other than the direct use by the transit system — is another question.
Private property rights advocates say North Carolina’s eminent domain laws open the door for TTA, or similar quasi-government entities, to seize property for economic development — or for any other reason the agency deems appropriate to its mission.
TTA interim director Wib Gulley told Chesser that seizing land for private development is “not something I think is lawful or appropriate, so it’s not going to happen.”
Still, Chesser finds it strange “that TTA — regardless of whether it builds a rail system — is getting into the economic development business.”
A quasi-government entity getting into the economic development business. Seems like I’ve heard that somewhere else.