Hat tip: Public Secrets blog
To Newsweek, Barack Obama went from “sort of God” to better for Catholics than the Pope to, finally, “God of All Things.”
I confess that the last cover story caused me to ask Newsweek: What sort of god fails like Obama? Me of little faith, a dissident from an increasingly puritanical media culture devoted to the secular cult of Barack.
As any reflexive, hyperreligious convert, Newsweek naturally prefers to shriek down rather than debate any existential questions (see supra). Dissent must be silenced and shamed — never answered — for to repeat blasphemy, even by way of answering it, is also to blaspheme.
And so this week’s cover provides one of the best examples of media question-begging of all time: “Why Are Obama’s Critics So Dumb?”
It’s early in the election year, too. So months from now, as Newsweek’s hysterical self-mockery goes ever heavenward (i.e., stratospheric), we may look back on this week’s nonsense with something approaching fondness for a quaint, bygone era.