Oil Companies Conspire to Head Off Hybrid Threat

As the price of gasoline dips below $2.00 per gallon the question
arises, why are the oil companies doing this? The answer is clear, to
price hybrid cars, which threaten their profits, out of the market and
to encourage people to start buying Hummers again. The fact is that
Exxon Mobil, and all the other greedy earth and humanity hating oil
companies (except for BP and Shell, who see the errors of their way
and are on a 12 step plan to kick their addiction to raping the planet
and for Citgo who uses their profits to advance the ideals of socialism)
overplayed their hand. Last year they hiked the price of gasoline to
over $3.00 per gallon in some places, mostly in blue states where they
could punish their enemies. While putting out the standard right wing,
market fundamentalist line that oil and gasoline prices are strictly
the result of supply and demand, their profits soared.

Being the kind of shortsighted profiteers that capitalism breeds, they
didn?t realize that this was going to provide an incentive for people
to purchase more fuel-efficient cars. As hybrid sales went through the
roof they saw no other alternative??we have to  get people back
into their SUVs and Hummers.? Clearly the best way to do this is to
slash prices and that?s what they?ve done.

There is no other logical explanation for why oil and gas prices should
fall so fast and by so much. The calculation on the part of the oil
companies is that it is better to sacrifice some short-term profits for
the longer term security of a population driving gas guzzling cars. As
one Exxon official was overheard saying, ?who cares if the polar ice
caps melt and wash away New York City. That won?t happen for a couple
hundred years and by then we will have lived a life of luxury and died

It is time that the people of this country rise up and demand that
Congress hold hearings on these rapidly declining gasoline prices and
what appears to be the sinister motives behind them. Indeed, it is
quite possible that the only way to prevent this behavior is to
institute a windfall losses tax, forcing the oil companies to keep
prices up and discouraging predatory behavior.