Terrible news this morning that a Charlotte police officer was shot in the head off of W.T. Harris while serving a warrant. But situation seems to be contained as CMPD has deployed its full tactical kit, including an armored vehicle. The alleged shooter, Christopher Ellerbe, may or may not have a hostage. The entire area surrounding Norcroft Dr. and Harris is still under police lockdown. In theory, the area could stay that way indefinitely.

But life is not theory. The lockdown has already caused significant social and economic strife to those affected. Ask any parent of a child who could not go home directly from school today or ask workers who could not get to work. At this point those costs are understandable and justified. However, as the standoff continues, the question of proportionate response grows.

In short, Mr. Ellerbe is presumed to have a firearm, not a tactical nuclear weapon, and accordingly, should not be permitted to terrorize a large chunk of a major American city for days without end.

Update: And a job well done by Charlotte police, who stormed the residence at about 6:10pm.