The Charlotte Observer unknowingly makes a strong case for the kind of special needs tax credits that the General Assembly ditched last week.

A few short passages from the article follow, but I encourage you to read the entire thing.

Since he was a kindergartner at David Cox Elementary, parents Wendy and Chris Hawkins have been fighting CMS over his right to special education. They eventually put him in private school, then moved to Concord.

But they kept an ever-thickening folder documenting CMS delays, errors and obstacles. They won a series of rulings against the school district.


Loftis says his agency, which represented Brandon in court, hears from lots of families denied services by CMS. Many, he says, simply give up. Most others agree to ?a gag order? if that’s what it takes to get help.

Fortunately for Brandon, the Hawkinses could afford a private school for their son, but most parents cannot. Instead, public school system force most families to “put up or shut up.”