Looking more at those new crime rankings for U.S. cities, something interesting jumped out about the overall most dangerous “winner,” Camden, New Jersey:

The has state poured $175 million into the city to spur development projects and take over parts of its government, the city’s aquarium doubled in size and a new library and technology center were built. Tourism continues to increase along the river, home to the aquarium, an amphitheater, a minor-league baseball park and a retired battleship.

But about 100 fewer prospective students than expected attended Rutgers University’s downtown campus last year, something Provost Roger Dennis attributes to the crime ranking and a serial rapist who assaulted women near and on campus last fall.

It is like all of municipal government has gone collectively mad in America. Who in their right mind tries to fight crime with an aquarium and a baseball team? What special pill do city leaders take that makes more tourism the solution to every problem?

And, most of importantly of all, can we possibly get Charlotte’s leaders to detox and off that pill before they drag us straight down the path that leads to Camden, New Jersey?