Dr. Guarino is back from summer break, and he expresses similar concerns about the way newly-hired Greensboro City Manager Rashad Young will handle lawsuits brought by black police officers against the city, considering the fact that Young reportedly settled racial discrimmination lawsuits during his tenure as Dayton’s city manager.
Note that Guarino and fellow G’boro blogger Roch Smith discuss the fact that the public does not know what kind of guidance the City Council will give Young regarding the lawsuits.
That’s true, but it’s important to remember that the current council was ready to settle the EEOC lawsuit brought by 40 police officers until the Rhino published the names of the officers and the public raised hell, prompting the council to pull the offer.
It’s also important to remember —– this cannot be emphasized enough —- that Young might be working with a council very different from the one that hired him, depending on how the November election turns out.