Senator David Hoyle announced this afternoon that he will not seek re-election leaving North Carolina Senate District 43 up for grabs in 2010.  Democrats make up 39.8% of the registered voters in this Gaston County district while  38.8% of the registered voters are republicans and 21.5% are unaffiliated.  83% of District 43 voters are white, 14% are black and 2.9% are designated as “other.  Male voters make up 44.2% of the registered voters while 55.8% are females. 

The district has always been considered conservative leaning electing democrat Senator Hoyle for nine sessions (18 years) due in part to his reputation as one of the most business friendly legislators in the General Assembly.  He received the number one spot in the NC Senate in the 2009 Business Rankings by the NC Free Enterprise Foundation. 

With changing political winds, Republicans optimistic about the 2010 elections and only six seats needed to switch the NC Senate to Republican control, District 43 will be one to keep an eye on for sure.