Writing for the Weekly Standard, blog former Lockean and now President of the American Traditions Institute details the left’s response to ATI’s FOIA request for Mann’s emails and records during the time that he was a Virginia state employee working on the now discredited “hockey stick” graph, using government grant money at the University of Virginia. A group of left wing organizations including the ACLU and the American Association of University Professors are protesting the request on grounds of academic freedom. As Chesser points out, “these groups were missing in action on the “academic freedom” front when Greenpeace demanded the records of Mann’s former UVA colleague, Patrick Michaels, a climate alarmism skeptic. Same goes for several other skeptical scientists at other institutions where Greenpeace inquired.”

Now some people would say that these progressives are being inconsistent in who they defend. I, on the other hand,  would argue that they are being completely conisistent in their pursuit of a centrally planned statist economy regardless of the tactics they have to employ.